We just upgraded to version 7.4 in our test environment. When running a MS Edge process, am trying to verify main window after launching URL, but getting error 'command' has no implementation. Has anyone encountered this and know how to resolve? Thanks
What is the exact error message seen?
If it's similar to
Command '"' has no implementation
We've seen this caused by a hidden Enter or linebreak character being passed to an input field. If you suspect this may be the case, closely inspect the input fields for any hidden carriage returns or whitespaces. Try stepping through the Process in debug mode and inspecting the current values of any input fields to ensure they are not passing a carriage return, and remove or edit the inputs as needed.
Thanks for the input. This is one of our normal steps during browser automation. We launch a page (navigate action), check overall window exists, verify (by setting value to True so window is highlighted) and maximise. These steps worked on 7.3
Interestingly, if I set to verify step to be False, it goes through and complete maximise step. But then when I am done with browser and I set window to Close, it seems to have issue
correction, close seems ok. same issue - when closing, am verifying screen and it's failing on that step
Thanks for the clarifications. I understand you're working with another member of our team on this issue in a Support ticket, and we are currently engaging with our Product team to investigate this scenario further.