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Blue Prism User Accounts

Level 3
Hi, I am looking for some help with Blue Prism User Accounts. We are using Blue Prism V5. Is it possible to set up an account where the password does not expire ? ( Similar to a service account ) Reason being, I have a process that will manage the running of other processes on other resources via the AutomateC command which requires a valid Blue Prism Username and Password for authentication. We are unable to use SSO. I intended on having the credentials stored via Blue Prisms Credential Manager. ( This idea comes from the blue prism guide attached ). I ideally want this process to run as a background process. So i would ideally like to stay away from catching the fact that the Blue Prism Username and password has expired. Open Blue Prism login, user the password change window, update , then update in Blue Prisms Credential Manager. I have tried to see if there is a way of Updating the Password via an AutomateC command and I can not see one. If anyone else has found a solution to this using an approach I have not thought of, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for anyones time and help in advance.  

Not applicable
Hi Stuart,   When setting up the user in Blue Prism you do need to set a password expiry date, but it should be possible to set it with the year 9999.