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Can Blue Prism be deployed using MS App-V?

Level 2
We have a requirement to offer our developers access to multiple versions of Blue Prism Interactive Client. One approach to achieve this, could be to use Microsoft Application Virtualization (MS App-V), which in theory should 'stream' required version on-demand and instantly deploy Blue Prism within a container on a user's machine We have not tested this idea yet, so I am interested if anyone on this Forum has an experience of deploying Blue Prism using App-V? What about any other application virtualisation technologies? Thank you

Level 15
I doubt it - Blue Prism needs to be running locally to the application it is interfacing with - I doubt being streamed in a virtualised way from a remote server would work.  Still, I'd be interested to know the result of your tests.

Level 5
Hi, Yes you can use AppV. We have used AppV to deploy the interactive client to our developers and admin users. It is not suitable for the runtime resource deployments, they must be msi installs. If you are using multiple environments why can you not just have multiple configurations included in the package? Why have more than one package? You can and should be limiting access via either AD/SSO or directly via the application. Regards, Steve

Level 2
Thank you for your replies. Good to know that it has been tried and works. And it will be only for Interactive Clients, not for Runtime Resources. The reason we are doing this is that we might end up with two versions of the software deployed and used simultaneously. And each developer and administrator will need to frequently switch between two versions. While we can package two versions, this will mean constantly installing and uninstalling software, which is not feasible. With AppV however, developers can stream and run whatever version they need right when they need it. At least this is the theory...