04-02-25 01:40 PM
I have created a batch file with the following command (with username and domain replaced with relevant details of course):
runas /netonly /user:username@domain "mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\dsa.msc"
Using the Utility - Environment::Start process action I launch this batch file and it opens up the command prompt to enter the password:
After entering the password however nothing happens.
If I try this manually outside of blueprism same thing happens unless I run the batch file as administrator; this is when active directory users and computers launches as expected after entering the password.
I'm guessing I need to get blue prism to launch the batch file as an administrator? Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
04-02-25 06:50 PM
Hi @rabbanir
Based on the description you provided above, it sounds like you need to open blue prism as admin and check that will change any thing.
Below I provided KB article and discussion about running Blue Prism as Admin.
05-02-25 05:11 AM
Hi @rabbanir
Have you tried the following command?
echo your_password| runas /netonly /user:username@domain "mmc %SystemRoot%\system32\dsa.msc"
Best Regards,
Sayeed Bin Abdullah
06-02-25 03:02 PM
Hi Harish,
thank you for the suggestion, Running blue prism as admin works thank you. This is fine for while I am building the automation however when running this in control room how would I get around this?
06-02-25 03:07 PM
HI @rabbanir
Check below articles it has the information about how to run the BP as admin even in Control Room. there are couple of settings need to updated as per the suggestion described.
a month ago
Hi Harish,
thank you for the follow up. I have tried the suggestion in the article you have linked and it works for development purposes/running the process in debug mode but not if I want to schedule this process on a resource (like how a process normally runs once live). There must be a way to get blue prism to run as admin without actually opening up the blue prism application itself?
a month ago
Hi @rabbanir
Assuming that you have updated the properties in blue Prism as mentioned in the screenshot but still unable to run from control room.
a month ago
Also @rabbanir we can create a batch script and run it by invoking it into the Blueprism flow,
You can refer to below link where I've used powershell script to attach image in the body of the email and ran it through a batch file which was invoked in a BP flow.
Best Regards,
Sayeed Bin Abdullah
2 weeks ago
Hi Harish,
That's correct I tried that but still not able to run from control room i.e. without actually launching blue prism application within the worker machine.
2 weeks ago
Hi Sayeed,
Thanks for the reply. I am using a batch script as well which works fine when I have the blue prism application running as administrator. The problem is If I want to schedule/run from the control room in the management server then it will not work unless I have blue prism open as admin in the worker as well. I'm thinking I might have to actually get it to launch bp as admin in the process as well.