If you have the 'class' or 'id' attribute on the object, you can use JavaScript from BP's 'Invoke Javascript Fragment' option on navigation stages
var myItem = document.getElementById(""ID of the object"");
myItem.innerHTML += myItem.style.color;
There's getElementsByClassName(""Class of the object""), but that returns a collection of all items with that class.
So the first line in that case (assuming there's only 1 object with that class) would be
var myItem = document.getElementsByClassName(""ID of the object"")[0];
This apends the color to the end of the text (which you can then crop off once it's in blue prism)
an element's style.color property isn't always a color with a name, so it returns an RGB value.
For example, an element set to have a color of ""Magenta"" will return ""rgb(255,0,255)"".
Hope that helps.