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Chrome detach is not working in blueprism 6.9 version

Level 2
In my process, the data loaded in Iframe in browser. So that frame has different process id.
we would like to attach chrome and check the elements If the elements is present we will continue.
otherwise we will detach chrome and attach again with new process id
While attaching again it is failing because it is already attached as detach function is not worked yet all

Hi Sravan,

Blue Prism modern browser mode does not quite work in the same way as IE mode, i.e., Application Modeller has access to all open tabs/instances. When looking up elements, Application Modell goes through all open pages to find the element. Tracking ID which was introduced in v6.9 allows you to limit the search to a specific tab/page in case you have more than one element meeting the same element definition.

That being said, I would suggest you create a support ticket to have your case investigated around iframe if you have not had success in spying elements within it.

Level 5
Hi Saravan,

This matter may be a bug in any previous versions before v6.10.1.

In the release note, it is descripted in "Browser extension release notes" (BP-2835):

>An issue has been fixed where Blue Prism incorrectly appeared to be attached to a Chrome browser application after it had been detached, which prevented Blue Prism from reattaching to it. The detach action now successfully triggers the disconnect event and the IsConnected property of the browser application is correctly set to 'false', allowing Blue Prism to successfully detect when a browser application has been detached from Blue Prism. The attach action can only be used if the Use fixed browser extension port (31924) only system setting is enabled.

If it's correspond with your matter, only you can solve it is to version up to v6.10.1.