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Cleaning [BPAAuditEvents] table

Level 2
Hi, is there a way of cleaning [BPAAuditEvents] table? It seems to be bothering performance
we have automatic archiving set to delete all logs permanently. 
Does this cover this table? 

the v6 Data Sheet - Maintaining a Blue Prism Database Server.pdf only says: 

Audit Logs
There is currently no in-product mechanism for deleting audit logs. The tables are generally quite small and grow slowly, except for the inclusion of historic versions of process and business objects

Hi Alejandro,

To address your question, automatic archiving does not cover the BPAAuditEvents table. However, we in Support have a set of example SQL "Housekeeping Scripts" (see KB link for more info) we can provide in a Support ticket upon request. One of these scripts, 'trim-process-history.sql', can trim the process history data in the BPAAuditEvents table and uses a threshold of when the audit record was created. As a result, the user will not be able to compare / view old processes in the process history, but the Audit Events will remain.

If you'd like to request these example scripts, please open a Support ticket with us and we'll be happy to provide them.

Level 2
I don t know why I can not requestion or answer Steve
Link to housekeeping scripts is not working 
I need a script to clean the table (growing up) - can I get it with a ticket too? 

I have the Concepts of archiving data in Blue Prism and Housekeeping Script Descriptions.pdf  (from 2017) and some scripts including "trim-process-history.sql"
do they work in V6 or I need new ones? 

Hi Alejandro,

You'll want to ensure you're logged into the Portal before accessing the Knowledge Base link provided ( ).

I would suggest to request the latest versions of the scripts in a Support ticket to ensure they're up-to-date.

You can also use the command line to achieve the same and create a scheduled process or put it in windows scheduler to archive\delete audit logs for you once a week.
AutomateC.exe/archive/sso/age 3m
AutomateC.exe /archive /sso /age 3m /delete
AutomateC.exe /archive /sso /age 1w >> myoutput.txt  ​
------------------------------ Vipul Tiwari Senior Process Simplification Developer Amazon ------------------------------