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Collection Filter - Use Mid()

Level 6
I have a collection with field (text) named [Producer Code], now i want to filter this collection where the 2nd to 7th characters are "ABCDEF" in [Producer Code], how to write this filter. "ABCDEF" may appear at anywhere,but they are not what i want except for the 2nd to 7th.   I entered a filter as below, but system indicate : The expression contains undefined function call Mid(). "Mid([Producer Code], 2, 6)='"&[ProducerCode]&"'"

Level 15
Your expression should not have quotation marks around it.    From your description you should have something more like this as your expression in a dedcision stage: Mid([Producer Code], 2, 6)=""ABCDEF""   I strongly recommend that people use the expression builder functionality in the Decision/Calculation stage to build their expressions if they are not sure of Blue Prism syntax.