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Combo Box/Drop Down List

Level 2
Hi Guys, Anybody have any idea about, how to get option from drop down list/ combo box. It is actually spying the element properly. But when I use Mouse Button -> "Down" to select any option, it is giving error saying that the "Down" is invalid. Can I get any suggestion. Regards, Roopa

Not applicable
Hi Roopa, If you set the element to be a combo box in the application modeller, you can use a navigation stage to set the combo box to any wished list item, by giving the name of the wanted list item as an input to the stage. I hope it helps.:)

Hi RoopaThe input to a mouse click can only be 'left' or 'right' to indicate which button to press. If you leave the input blank then 'left' is implied. To send a the Down key stroke you can use '{DOWN}'. In most properties windows in BP you will see a blue 'i' button - this takes you to the appropriate Help section.