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Global Send Keys Shift & End

Level 3
Hi, I am trying to perform an operation in Access after clicking on a specific cell I want to delete the contents of the cell. I have tried CTRL + A but that shortcut doesn't seem to work in access. Next though would be to use Shift and End keys and then the Delete key. Manually it works as expected but when I am trying to send the Global keys to the application it seems to only recognize the End key. Any thought? The Global send keys currently used are "{SHIFT}" Any Help would be Greatly Appriciated Thanks In Advance.

Level 4
Hi Matthew, You could trying using ""+{END}"" with a Global Send keys (non events). This would only work in the event that the cursor is at the start of the text. You would have to write some send keys functions to establish where your cursor is however the above should work, if not, try the ""+{HOME}"" which will select it the text in the other direction. Remember to activate fields with a Global Mouse Click Centre before using send keys other wise you get unexpected results. Let me know how you get on. Thanks, James