Apologies for the delayed response. If you wanted to do this in Excel you would have to write a comparison function to the 4th column. So you'd use the
Set Cell Value action of the Excel VBO to write something like this to the cell:
=IF($B2=$C2,"TRUE", "FALSE")
You'd have to be careful though as the row values would need to increment each time you write the formula to the next row.
Now, coming back around to the Collections. I assume from the screenshot that you're using the
Utility - Collection Manipulation VBO from Blue Prism to perform your sorts and that's the point at which the empty rows are removed? If that's the case, what you could do is iterate over the collection before sorting it and insert a default value for empty cells (ex. <NULL>). That way there will be a value in the column and it should not be removed. Does that make sense?