26-02-20 10:11 AM
Hi all,
Does anyone know a simple way to convert a text data item so that every letter after a space is a capital letter and the rest is lowercase? The data item could be made up of 1/2/3/4 etc words and could either already be in this format or could be all upper or all lower case.
26-02-20 12:20 PM
26-02-20 01:45 PM
26-02-20 05:35 PM
27-02-20 08:24 AM
27-02-20 02:29 PM
Result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(<your_string_here>, "(?<= )\w", Function(m) m.Value.ToUpper())
I'd personally go with Dave's solution as I try to avoid code stages for one-off pieces and there's not much reuse value with this solution.
is this still the only possible way? Is there no Function or object for that after five years. Thats a very complicated way for such an easy task.
Thank you for sharing it 🙂
11 hours ago
Hi SK,
Additionally, I'd strongly consider not doing the upper/lower case conversion in your process but make a separate dedicated process (or object) for it. This way you'll be able to re-use the logic in other processes too without having to duplicate it. Anyway, my two cents.
Happy coding!
4 hours ago
Good morning, all.
So... In the spirit of Rube Goldberg, and not even being my most esoteric solution this week...
MS Excel has a function called "Proper" which does exactly what you are asking, though it does not address the state abbreviation case that @jorge.barajas raise.
Set Cell 'A1' with '=PROPER(B1)'
Your process then writes to cell 'B1' and copies the value from 'A1'
Continue until complete.
Just a thought. Not necessarily a good thought, but a thought nonetheless.