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Enable debug access for resource from process studio

Level 2
Do we have any Blue prism object to enable debug access of any resource from process studio without navigating to System tab of Blue prism.

Analyst Engineer
Analyst Engineer

Hello Meena,

Can you please expand on the question here? What exactly are you trying to do? Are you trying to override the stage logging setting at a resource level?

If so, can you explain the use case or requirement further? Programatically changing logging settings (and you mentioned "enable") could lead to some major performance issues. This type of Blue Prism configuration management is best left to intentional, manual configuration. For example, I can't think of a scenario right now where I would programmatically enable a higher level of logging to a large number of Runtime Resources. 

Wing Ling Leung
Senior Product Consultant
Blue Prism Professional Services

Hi Wing,

Consider a scenario where an admin bot needs to perform some activity password rest fro example, on an other bot-A and for that,  admin bot needs to enable access rights of bot-A credential. So to do that, admin bot needs to navigate to credential window and enable the access rights. Please let me know if we have any VBO to let the admin bot enable the access rights from process studio instead of navigating to system -> credential -> edit -> enable access rights.

Analyst Engineer
Analyst Engineer