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End loop once it has reached the end of list

Level 3
I have a process where I make Blue Prism to run through a flash website which keeps auto populating the number of servers that are deployed or decommissioned from our environment. I am using Blue Prism to read the list of servers but it is not able to identify that it has reached the end of the list. Since it is a Adobe Flash site I am using surface automation to read and identify the name of the servers. The variable here is that the number of server changes and also the last name of the server will not be consistent. Any new server will be added whereas any server that is decommissioned will be removed so I do not a fix number or a server that will be there for ever. Is there a way to Blue Prism can Identify it has reached at the end of the list and now stop? Thanks for any help or ideas!

If there something recognisable at the end of the list, even if it is empty space where the name of the server should be, then you could look for that. To check for empty space, read the image and pass it to an action like 'Image is uniform colour' or 'Image contains black'.

Thanks John! The only option I have is scrollbar reaching the end which is not consistent since I have observed that when server numbers increase it ends the process leaving many servers at the end of the list.

Sounds tricky. I think the fundamental options are 1) detect a visual sign that you are at the end of the list or 2) recognise that your 'down' movements are no longer having any effect and deduce you have reached the end. The 2nd option is harder but usually achievable.