26-04-22 10:25 AM
I have a process in Live which currently has the Action 'Get Selected Items Text' and it stores it as Data Type Text into a data item. But I am currently in the process of converting this from IE to Chrome and when I update that section the data type has changed to collection.
Is there any reason why this has happened? Or have I missed something here?
27-04-22 11:15 AM
27-04-22 11:44 AM
Thanks for the response John!
I did some digging and I have found that it's actually a known 'downside' to converting the process from IE to Chrome/Edge/Firefox
Bruce Liu mentions it here https://github.com/blue-prism/ApplicationModellerConversion/blob/master/BROWSER.md ;
To resolve I re-spied in UIA Mode and used the action Get Current Value 🙂