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HTML - Enable Java integration techniques

Level 15
I had a query from a customer this week about interfacing with a Java applet with a web application. He had ticked the Enable Java Integration techniques check box, but that had made no difference. The answer is: Java Access Bridge needs to be installed on the machine - in the same way as it would be for a full thick client Java application. Once JAB 2.0 was installed he was able to interface with the elements in HTML.

Thanks Denis. One thing to note is that the Oracle distributed version of JAB 2.0 has can have issues installing on some OS's (eg.Win7 64-bit), so we have now created our own installer, which is available on request.

Level 3
Cheers Denis, interfacing with Java is new to us so your help was invaluable. One issue I am having is with a Java pop-up box. If the box is up and I try to identify an element, Blue Prism can't find anything. If the box is down, I click identify and then bring up the box, Blue Prism can identify the Java elements. However, even though it can spy the elements, I can't use them as it can't identify them when I click highlight (possibly because the box is of Modal type?). I've developed a workaround using surface integration techniques but thought it might be worth mentioning, in case it can be fixed!

Hi Alex Sometimes certain elements can only be spied/highlighted when they are in focus. A quick test is to click into a field, spy it and press 'highlight' to confirm it can be spied correctly. Then click away from the field and press highlight again. If you get the 'no elements matched' message (or a different field is highlighted) then chances are it's a focus issue. Sam