Hi Kali_Raj
You have to use the ""List Mails Within DateTimes"" action of the Blue Prism MAPIEX Business object to get the email ID's into a collection. You have to specify Minimum DateTime & Maximum DateTime in that action.
I use this calculation ""Replace(Now(); Mid(Now(); 12; 5); LocalTime())"" to calculate the current DateTime as Maximum DateTime and e.g. MakeDateTime(1; 1; 2016; 1; 0; 0; True) as Minimum Datetime.
You can then iterate that email ID collection in a loop, where you call the ""Get Mail"" action mentioned above.
But be aware you have to move the ""read"" emails to a sub-folder, otherwise you keep reading the same email, over and over.
You have to specify that sub-folder as the input (Move to Sub-Folder) in the ""Get Mail"" action inputs.
Good luck.