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Forum Posts

Problem with Regex-Expression in Code Stage

Hello, I have the following problem, I want to get the Name from a person in a PDF-Invoice. For that I use the function InSTR([Clipboard]; "Name: ") to find the place of the word and the second function is Mid([Clipboard],[Name],50). The length o...

Session Variables

We have several live processes currently running, all with the same session variables included: Stop After Items, Stop ASAP, and Stop After Time.   The issue we're running into is some of the processes only display these session variables to the co...

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Locate Utility Environment Oject to run CMD

I was looking at a previous post on opening CMD and it mentioned to locate the start process on the Utility-Environment Object?  I don't know if I have the Utility Environment Object.  Do I download do I locate it to execute a prompt.   ...

Unable to attach windows Event viewer to spy element

Hi,   I am trying to attach window Event viewer for spying the element but it not able to attach it. I am using command prompt to lauch and then trying to attach it. I am using "*Event Viewer*" in window title and child index as o in navigate stage...

Process logs by email

Hi,   My requirement is , after process completes, logs generated by the process should be sent by email. Currently we are manually checking the logs from control room. Is there any way blueprism can email process logs to any email id provided ?

SAP - Get Table Data

Hello: I am trying to grab table data out of SAP but I am given the following error: Internal : Invalid collection data returned from action - are field names duplicated? My assumption is that BP is unable to differentiate the table headers from o...

Excel 2016 vs Excel 2013

Hello, We recently upgraded to office 365/office 2016 from Office 2013. I've noticed a drastic difference in speed of the robot specifically in navigating previously identified elements in Excel after the upgrade. Anyone else experienced this? Is t...