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How To Find The Space My D drive is occupying and CPU Utilization.

Level 6
Hi, Want to take out the drive info like size and available space. And want to know how much CPU is being is utilized. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Prateek

Level 15
Blue Prism is not a computer system monitoring tool - you need to figure out how to do what you want using either command line or another application, and then how you can use that method via Blue Prism. I have just googled 'cpu use using command line' and the result told me that the following command line would give me CPU use: wmic cpu get loadpercentage If I wanted to do this via Blue Prism I would maybe use the Start Process command, and in the arguments pipe the result to a text file that I would then read? You could probably do something cleaner using Code Stages. Maybe create your own object called something like 'System Monitoring' with all the actions you require and using .NET code to get the system diagnistics you need.

Level 6
I got your point Denis, I myself did it in the same way but if I want to keep polling CPU utilization or Drive available space so that if it goes beyond a certain point I could perform an action or could at least get an alert. And I cannot put a robot for just this purpose, any other way or advise to poll a system or services. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

Level 15
If you are talking about monitoring the Blue Prism infastructure itself, some parts of the Blue Prism platform should be goverened/monitored/supported by your IT department rather than the Blue Prism team needing to do it - this should be part of the Robotic Operating Model that is put in place in your organisation. For example: The SQL Server database: this should be supported by a DBA. Monitoring can be put place using dba/sql tools to monitor size and performance Virtual PCs/Servers: these should be supported by the virtualisation team within your ITC dept. If they are using enterprise tools (such as VMware) - those tools have monitoring features that can check that VMs are up and running and CPU/disk space is ok etc. If you are talking about using Blue Prism as an IT monitoring tool, I think you are trying to use the wrong tool for that job..