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How spy the jquery data table ?

Not applicable
Hi all,  i want to spy the jquery data table which contains pagination. i'm able to spy the jquery data table it retrieving only 10 records out of 60 records. How to retrieve the complete records? please find the attached document. 

Level 15
The answer might seem obvious... you need to add paging logic to your flow.    You are interfacing with the User Interface and your application table only contains the current page of data, it is therefore impossible to retrieve data from the other pages using the UI without navigating to the other pages.   Sometimes you get lucky and an application like this will have an export option, so you can grab all the data at once from an exported excel or csv file - but I do not see that in your screenshot. The paging logic you need is extreamly common so whoever is training/enabling your team should be able to help you with it.