25-11-19 07:56 PM
26-11-19 05:49 AM
26-11-19 08:29 AM
Hi Bimal,
Thanks for your inputs,
In my web service logic ,I would like to trigger the dynamic scheduler once after added to the queue(Add to Queue) and then send the resposne / ack in the end stage as output parmaters. There is no way to send a respsone/ack after added to the queue .
Well this is causing timeout error when you have mutiple requests , I am getting all the requests in BP WORK Q. While sending the response back as ack few are failing due to timeout error. The traget system(web serrvice callling source system) has only 2 mins as a resposne time. within that they have to get all the respsone or else they are getting the error.
Any advise on this part to overcome this?
Dilip K
27-11-19 06:37 AM
27-11-19 08:42 AM
Hello Team,
yes I am almost there.
I have an object exposed as an web service. My object is heavy - once it is added to the queue , I am also triggering dynamic schduler functionality to run my main process to run in the same object which is exposed as a web serice . Investigation reports tell that, dynamic scheduler is causing the problem well we have tested it more than couple of times yesterday.
Test cases results:
Without dynmaic scheduler fucntion:
16 cases takes approximately 32 secs
8 cases takes approximately 20 secs
With dynamic scheduler fucntion:
16 cases takes approximately 8 mins and 34 sec.
However , Thanks for all your help.
Dilip K