14-03-23 11:04 AM
I am using "Run macro" action in the Excel VBO to call the macro code in the excel sheet. I just want to ensure if the macro was executed successful or not.
14-03-23 12:41 PM
Hi Bhavithra,
I would advise you to build an Error Handler in the Macro that generates an ErrorLog.txt should the macro fail and then parse the File via BP. Something like this:
Public Function LogFile_WriteError(ByVal sRoutineName As String, _
ByVal sMessage As String)
Dim sText As String
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
If (g_objFSO Is Nothing) Then
Set g_objFSO = New FileSystemObject
End If
If (g_scrText Is Nothing) Then
If (g_objFSO.FileExists("<YourPath>\errorLog.txt") = False) Then
Set g_scrText = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile("<YourPath>\errorLog.txt", IOMode.ForWriting, True)
Set g_scrText = g_objFSO.OpenTextFile("<YourPath>\errorLog.txt", IOMode.ForAppending)
End If
End If
sText = sText & "" & vbCrLf
sText = sText & Format(Date, "dd.MM.yyyy") & "-" & Time() & vbCrLf
sText = sText & " " & sRoutineName & vbCrLf
sText = sText & " " & sMessage & vbCrLf
g_scrText.WriteLine sText
Set g_scrText = Nothing
Exit Function
g_scrText.WriteLine sText
Set g_scrText = Nothing
End Function
You must declare two global variables in order for this to work:
Public g_objFSO As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Public g_scrText As Scripting.TextStream
The <YourPath> tag should be replaced by your process folder or wherever you want to store the ErrorLog, and this should be accessible to both the Macro and Process.
I hope it helps
Ramón Requena López
RPA Developer
Magenta Telekom
15-03-23 05:56 AM
Hi Bhavithra,
Add error handling within macro with message box
On Error GoTo Ermsg
MsgBox "The following error occurred:"&Err.Description
15-03-23 02:13 PM
I define two ranges on a specific sheet in the Excel workbook: MacroInput (used to pass input values to the macro), and MacroResult (used to find out if the macro completed successfully, or, if not, what the error description from Excel is). The macro reads the MacroInput range if necessary to get a date, filepath, etc. If it completes without errors the macro will write Success in the MacroResult range, which is then read by the BP process. If an error accurs, the macro writes the Excel error description to MacroResult. Here is an example:
Public Sub Import_AP_Data()
Dim MyPath As String
MyPath = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(MainSht).Range("MacroInput").Value
On Error GoTo IAPDerr
(do stuff)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(MainSht).Range("MacroResult").Value = "Success"
On Error Resume Next
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Exit Sub
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(MainSht).Range("MacroResult").Value = Err.Description
GoTo cleanup
End Sub
The macro must not have any messageboxes or other popups.
Hope this helps,