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How to export all process logs from audit - process logs?

Level 2
From System - Audit - Process Logs, there are thousands and thousands of logs that I want to export into excel and analyze; however, there is no option to export the data in blue prism. I tried going into the database using SQL and pulling it via the tables, but I can't get my results to present the data the same way that Blue Prism shows the data in the application. Has anyone else tried this yet? What tables did you use and how did you combine them to get it right? Or is there another - easier way that I'm missing?

Level 2
Update: Still an issue. Has no one else tried doing this before?

Level 14
Far as I've seen, anyone who wanted to do this used SQL queries on the database as you mentioned. Though the only use case I've personally seen was just for archiving data from the audit log table so we didn't need to display it in a certain way.

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company