Hi Priyanka_auti
If you have horizontal tab separated values, like e.g.
""1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10""
you can also alter the text to replace those horizontal tabs with e.g. commas, like such:
Calculation stage with expression: "" Replace([Data1]; Chr(9); "", "") "" ,
where [Data1] contains your horizontal tab string, and output this to the same or another dataitem.
""Chr(9)"" is the ascii charater for horizontal tab, you can see the ascii characters here:https://theasciicode.com.ar/ascii-printable-characters/lowercase-letter-a-minuscule-ascii-code-97.html .
The function Chr(Code) is a function in e.g. the calculation stage.
You can then input this csv to the ""Utility - Strings"" BO's action ""Get CSV As Collection"", which will give you a collection.
If you need to set the collection's column names from the first row, this will require you to programmatically alter the [Data1] dataitem with a linebreak, so that you can use the ""Utility - Collection Manipulation"" BO's action ""Set Column Names From First Row"", to set the first row to be the column names in your collection.
Good luck.