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How to get the next business working day's date

Level 3
We have a business scenario, in the process, there is a decision point to check if variable Date's day is Saturday, Sunday or public holiday , if yes, defer it to next Business Day(eg. Monday) Does Blue Prism has the function to check the day of the week? Thank you

Level 7
C# code implementation: Global Code: public static DateTime GetNextWeekday(DateTime start, DayOfWeek day) { int daysToAdd = ((int) day - (int) start.DayOfWeek + 7) % 7; return start.AddDays(daysToAdd); } public static bool IsDaylightSavings(String zoneID) { DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById(zoneID); return tzi.IsDaylightSavingTime(dt); } Code Stage: (Inputs: addHours (Number) addMinutes (Number) addSeconds (Number)) DateTime date = DateTime.Today; bool isDST = IsDaylightSavings(""GMT Standard Time""); if(isDST) { TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(0, 1 + Convert.ToInt32(addHours), Convert.ToInt32(addMinutes), Convert.ToInt32(addSeconds), 0); output = GetNextWeekday(date + span, DayOfWeek.Monday); } else { TimeSpan span = new TimeSpan(0, Convert.ToInt32(addHours), Convert.ToInt32(addMinutes), Convert.ToInt32(addSeconds), 0); output = GetNextWeekday(date + span, DayOfWeek.Monday); } If I ran this form myself it would output 24/10/2016 00:00:00

Level 7
Alternatively using native Blue Prism functionality: Choice Stage Choice - FormatDate(Today(), ""dddd"") = ""Saturday"" Calculation Stage if True - ToDateTime(AddDays(Now(), 2)) + MakeTimeSpan(0 ,[Hours], [Minutes], [Seconds]) Choice - FormatDate(Today(), ""dddd"") = ""Sunday"" Calculation Stage if True - ToDateTime(AddDays(Now(), 1)) + MakeTimeSpan(0 ,[Hours], [Minutes], [Seconds]) You can initialise the [Hours], [Minutes] and [Seconds] data items to 0, or provide based on time you want to defer until on Monday. Or alternatively hard code within calculation stage. These calculation stage will then output to a DateTime data item that can be used as the input to your Defer action.

Level 15
The correct way to do this would be to use the Blue Prism Internal - Calendars business object which contains lots of useful actions, especially for working day calculations that take bank holidays and weekends into account. The object expects that you have a maintained calander in System Manager - which should be the case of you want to use the Blue Prism schedular within your organisation. If you are ever finding yourself moving towards generating bespoke code to solve a problem like this I would strongly recommend asking your Blue Prism mentor or enablement manager first to ensure there is not something already provided with the product that solves your problem.