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How to select specific link in a dynamic expanding list in IE

Level 2
An area in the web page has an expandable/compressible library of links that lead lead to another area in the same web page where information pertaining to the clicked link is shown. The count of link in the library is variable. Links are clearly distinguishable by their names. The problem is I can't make BP recognize any link within the expandable library, thus, I can't command it to click on the link even if the name is already given. The screenshot below shows the library (left side) and the information within each link (right side)

We can't see your screenshot unfortunately. Have you tried the Application Navigator (on the Identify button there is a small Down arrow)? This is a 'spy everything' function that sometimes can reveal things that you can't spy with the mouse. If the web page is complex it can take a little while for Application Navigator to find everything.Alternatively, try the AA (blue) spy mode Lastly check that the list is actually HTML and not something else like Flash or Silverlight.