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Hub 4.7 Installation Failure

Level 2
While Installing hub, the connections fails when using RabbitMQ with AMPQS. We checked all the prerequisite and all looks good.
Points we checked:
1, The ports 5672, 15672 are open.
2, DNS resolution works fine.
3, Used Certificate from internal authority as well creating certificate creation method shown in blue prism hub installation video.
4, Created different user other than guest in RabbitMQ portal and tested. We tried to this real user with admin account in RabbitMQ but the result is same "connection failed."
5, Without AMPQS and certificate the connection is successful.
6. There are no error logs in event viewer.
 Is there a specific settings we miss here? Please advise.

Your screenshot shows that you are using the wrong port for AMQPS, which should be 5671 and not 5672. 
Please check RabbitMQ documentation: Networking and RabbitMQ — RabbitMQ 
RabbitMQ was initially developed to support AMQP, the "core" protocol supported by the RabbitMQ broker. 
  • AMQP assigned port number is 5672 or 
  • 5671 for AMQPS (TLS/SSL encrypted AMQP). 
Also, when using the "guest" user, you can't use anything apart from localhost, and in your instance, you are using the server hostname where RabbitMQ is installed.
If you have additional issues, please contact our support department.