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Importing Crendentials

Level 5
Hello, Is it possible to import credentials from one environment to another? I want to import my prod credentials to my UAT envrionment without having to write them all down again. They share the same credentials key. Trying through release manager, I get the below error message: The user name and password on a credential cannot be transferred. Please supply the use name and password for this credential or skip import.     thanks Carol

Level 15
It probably would be possible to write some kind of process that saves all credentials to a file and then another process that loads them.  The problem is I do not thing that you should be using Prod environment credentials in lower environments under any circumstances - and you should not have access to production to be able to access them or export them.  If you do have that kind of production access then it would be a security concern.  If you want to test against production data in a lower environment, you should have credentials used only in your lower environment.