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Forum Posts

How to simulate a spacebar keydown

Can you please help  How to simulate a spacebar  keydown I have a list here but without spacebar Thanks Key    Code BACKSPACE    {BACKSPACE}, {BS}, or {BKSP} BREAK    {BREAK} CAPS LOCK    {CAPSLOCK} DEL or DELETE    {DELETE} or {DEL} DOWN ARROW  ...

DiLe by Level 3
  • 5 replies

Adding work to a queue using external code

Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to add some work to an existing work queue using external code, for example C #. My aim is to add work without using BP, I know the use of a BluePrism Web Services, but it's not worth use a BP license for...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 1 replies

Columns to Date - Utility Collection Manipulation

Does anyone knows how to use "Columns to Date - Utility Collection Manipulation".   I want to sort a collection with fields "Effective Date" and "Values" in ascending order of "effective date" field. However since the effective date type is a text,...

Unable to Spy the remote Desktop

Hi,   I am unable to spy the Remote Desktop Connection window to connect to my desktop. I am getting the below error both in Win32 mode and region mode: System.ApplicationException: The window spied was not found in the model    at BluePrism.AMI.c...

Difference between _debug vs only?

What is the difference between _debug vs only in the BPAResource table in BP DB? The reason I'm looking into this is we are trying to monitor the statuses of the resources by looking into the statuses of the resources in the said table. Thanks!

RonAng by Level 5
  • 9 replies

Freezed VM when running process

Hi Developers!   My team and I we are experiencing freezings of the processes.   This is happening (we suppose after some Log investigation) when the robot is on navigate stages that uses send keys or mouse clicks. This process is executed with t...

Region Spying Error

hello can anyone tell me the meaning of the following error and what is the remedy for this error  Error - Highlighting results - Cannot find region identified as an image.   Thankyou

Error when using downloaded MAPI

I have downloaded MAPI 2.0.6. It appear the installation went OK. I changed the path pointing to BluePrismMAPIExAutomation.dll to the Program Files (x86) folder. When refreshing the MAPI object, I had no errors ( there were 2 before changing the path...


Hi,   I have been browsing the forum for a good answer on how to send an email with MAPIEx with HTML formatting without success.   I am using Blue Prism MAPIEx Automation 2005 (a) and the action Send Email. - How can i make the "Message" v...

Slowness in spying drop down list in HTML page

We are seeing lag issue in spying/selecting a drop down list from a HTML page. Have tried both HTML & AA modes, and the result is same. It is taking more than a minute to select the drop down. Can anyone please suggest what actions needs to be take...

Anonymous by Not applicable
  • 2 replies

UI Language Selection

For the latest version 6, the Japanese UI has been released. However, the language used seems to hinge on the interactive client's local system language. It would be great if user can select which language to display in the system settings. Some of o...