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Initial batch load fails, Restarting at OCR role captures

Level 3

I have been troubleshooting getting certain fields to read. Determined today that on the initial batch load the fields fail. If I return the batch and then in batch admin restart the batch at the OCR step and get back to data verification(no issue with class verification) the fields are now reading as expected. 

I found the logs on the machine running the client services but nothing is standing out as an issue.



Hi @douglas.h.burke ,
It sounds like you have a pdf which includes both vector data and non-vector data. What that means is that some of the text is embedded as metadata and can be read without using OCR, often this can be selected when opening the document in Adobe Reader.

But then some of the data is 'flattened' and can't be selected.

Decipher can extract the vector data without using OCR and in some situations this will skip the OCR stage, hence why you could then read the data after returning the batch to the OCR stage.

This was more common in older versions, but an update in Decipher 2.2 introduced the automatic functionality that would extract the vector data and check for additional data using OCR, providing a blend of this data in data verification. (see feature detail below)


What version of Decipher are you currently using?



Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Level 3

@Ben.Lyons1 I am using version 2.3. Here is the screenshot from the about section for the full version.Decipher version.png


That's strange, 2.3 should get the vector and ocr data.

Is the document a pdf? Are you able to select the text when opened in Adobe Reader?

What happens if you covert it to a jpeg and upload it to Decipher?

What are the languages/regions set to in the Document Type and Batch Type?

Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based

Level 3

Yes, it is a pdf and the field text is selectable when opening in Adobe Reader.

Converting the file to jpeg and uploading had the same result on the initial load and when reprocessing the OCR step was worse in that it still did not read the text.

Batch and Document type only has English has the primary language and no secondary. 


That doesn't sound like Decipher's performing properly, I would recommend raising a support ticket so we can investigate.


Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based