4 weeks ago
We have always Suffered from Browser Extension issues however since we have upgraded to 7.3.1 we thought this would improve however this has got worse. We use both Chrome and Edge (Not on the same Processes) and this happens on both. 1000's a week of "The Browser Extension could not be detected". We restart the machines daily, all on the latest version of Chrome/Edge. We really need your help as this is getting out of hand and has increase the time it completed processes and is started to affect SLA's and questions are being ask is this the right solution. Please help.....
4 weeks ago
I faced similar issue once - Although we only use Chrome. but when edge is also installed in the same machine, it talks to BP in the background - resulting in failure of chrome
this is what worked for us - Set settings in Edge to not run in the background. May be kill edge and then start chrome. in short ensure Edge is not running in the background before starting chrome and vice versa.
4 weeks ago
Try turning off uncessary things in above picture and see if this helps