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Internet Explorer has stopped working pop up

Level 6
Hi everyone, We automated web application, When Bot  is running  >50  work itemsin the Queue. Spordically  Internet is throwing error  like "Internet Explorer ha stopped working" pop up. We are not able to replicate in development or QA environment we are only seeing  this in production. Not sure how we can fix this issue? Any Suggestions are appreciated . Below are the steps: > Launch web application  > navigate to second tab(there will be two tabs ) > search specific item  > click that item(Once Bot click that item  it will open new window- This window has 7 tabs) > Trying to navigate 6th tab.(To navigate 6th tab we are using actions focus  and clickcenter in navigate stage)   When I try to navigate the 6th tab Seeing Internet Explorer has stopped working Error. If we are able to Replicate in QA or dev we are able to spy the pop up , Since we are not able to spy the Internet Explorer  pop up. we are trying different ways with out spying the pop up.   Below are the some of the thing I tried: 1) Spied the second window in win 32 and tried to close it. Thought it will close the pop up (Not working) 2) Some how I am able to generate  different pop up in the second window with window Title "Message from webpage "(Please Wait. Your previous Request is being processsed. Click ok to exit the window) - With out spying this pop up I tried to attach the pop up with window title and sending global send Keys (Alt+F4) to the root element in the Application modeller and also  tried sending  Global send keys in spied element of second window(win32)  )  - Not working        Note: Attached the second window by using window title.   Thanks!

Have you got access to change the group polices? if you follow the link there is a way to disable the popup therefore BP would be able to manage as a system exception/crash   This way there is no popup but clearly the item being worked will need to be reworked   Hope this helps Cheers

Level 6
  I followed  second option under windows registry replacing DontshowUi from 0 to 1. I tested from the past 2 days ,Now I am not seeing Internet Explorer pop up any more thanks a lot Connor.Â