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MAPIEXv2.0 - HTML Body Extraction

Level 3
Hi,   I have extracted the HTML message body from the 'Get Mail' Action of MAPIEXv2.0. The extracted HTML body has so many styles and attributes to tags.Now I would like to extract the table from the HTML Body. Is there any dll or a way to extract the table using tag name.   For Xml, I can use 'Get Elements by Tag' to extract the table with tags but may I know if there is a way for me to code for HTML string also? Is there any inbuilt function in BluePrismMAPIExAutomation.dll for this extraction of table from message body?   Thanks in advance.  

There's no inbuilt HTML parsing in Mapiex I'm afraid, and treating HTML as XML is unlikely to be successful. There are libraries (such as Microsoft.mshtml.dll) that can be used for parsing HTML but you'll need to develop a code stage to use them.

Level 3
Thank you John. I will try using mshtml too. But I tried using HtmlAgilityPack.dll earlier and it throws me file could not load error.