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MAPIEx Fail to Send Email

Level 5
Hi, I am trying to use MAPIEx to send email. It sometimes works, sometimes not. When it is not working, it will give a error message: "Failure in Send Mail function of Blue Prism Extended MAPI Automation. Failed to access message store" Shutting down and re-opening Outlook will solve the problem, but only like 50% of the times. Also it is not a viable solution when the bot is up and running with scheduler. I have done some searching on the internet and it seems a lot of people are having this same problem. Does anyone here has a stable solution? Many thanks!

Level 12
The most stable solution is to swap MAPIEx for the Outlook VBO. You can get this either on the Digital Exchange or in a fresh BP6 install.

Level 5

Level 4
Had the same problem. Disabling 'Cached Exchange Mode' under Email Account Settings in Control Panel fixed it for me. However, I agree with amibarrett that switching to the Outlook VBO is a better solution.

Level 12
I meant the Blue Prism one.… I just downloaded the NEOOPS package for comparison. It has a couple actions that the Blue Prism one doesn't, but I think the one from Blue Prism is better in terms of configurability OOB and in documentation.

Level 5
Hi amibarret, Do you know how to manually import libraries to Blue Prism path? I tried to use Blue Prism Outlook VBO, there is an error at initialize stage, InitialiseStage1ErrorValidateCompiler error at top section line -6: could not find library 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll'No I would assume in my case I am missing the whole Microsoft.Office.Interop. How can I fix this? I know it seems to be a very simple issue, but I cannot figure out a way to solve this problem... When working with Python, pip install will solve this kind of problem. Working with Java, Eclipse will handle this. Working with C#, Visual Studio can handle this. With Blue Prism, it is so hard...

Level 12
You can either change the include path to this, or copy the file from here to the folder Blue Prism lives in: C:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook\\Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.dll The version number might change based on your environment, but that should at least point you in the right direction if the path is invalid.