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MAPIEx Mail ID not generated

Level 2
Hi, I'm using MAPIEx's External to read messages and get attachments, then move mail to sub folder.  Sometimes, GetMail action crash, and I have to move it back manually to main inbox folder. I'm trying to handle this problem by dissociating read action and move action. GetMail action generate a mail ID, that I use as input parameter for MoveMail action. It works in debug mode, but in Control Room, MAPIEx do not generate any mail ID, so I can't move mail anymore. Is there any fix ?   Regards,

Level 2
Even am facing the same issue. Have you found the solution? It would be very helpful if you can share the solution.

Level 2
Given that's probably a MAPIEx related issue, I don't think there's something we can do. I checked logs in Control Room : GetMail action return Success : true, and every output parameters that it should return, except mail ID. I tried to give a 5s break between both actions, but no result. Also tried different configuration, unsuccesfully. Actually I'm looking for another way to handle first issue : sometimes, GetMail crash, and terminated my process, but still move the mail without reading it. Regards,

Level 4
Solution: When you use 'Get Mail' action, make sure you set the input for 'Delete?' to False. If you set the 'Delete?' option to True, the email will be deleted once it is read, and as a result no ID will be returned back to your process. However, if you set 'Delete' to False, then the email will not be deleted, and the ID will be passed back as output.