09-01-25 09:31 AM
Hello everyone !
I'm trying to use an API which does OCR, which means I'm supposed to send it an image file, and receive back a text which should include the text found inside the image.
I have tried to do so using only BluePrism's native web API services, but found that the multiple files option doesn't let me modify the request's body, and after looking into the forum's answers I found that it'd be better to use the http request multipart action.
Here's my problem though : When I try to send a request, I don't receive an error code but instead am told that an exception was thrown by the code stage : "one or more errors occurred", which makes it really hard for me to see what I'm doing wrong.
Below are screenshots of my overall collections, as well as that of the postman request which I am trying to base myself off in BluePrism:
If someone know what I'm doing wrong or even how I could fix my problem, I'd be very thankful !
Thank you in advance,
20-01-25 06:06 AM
Noticed that FieldName in Postman is "image" but it's set to "request" in BP configuration
20-01-25 09:11 AM
I'm sorry, I'm not sure which one you mean. Are you referencing Nandhakumar's screenshot of his fileMetadatacollection ?
21-01-25 07:37 AM
I think I misread. FileMetadata.FieldName is set as "image" already in your configuration
3 weeks ago
Not sure if this issue is resolved for you but i did give a try and it was success, can check for details from below SS
Address url : "https://ocr43.p.rapidapi.com/v1/results"