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Manipulatinig Data Item

Level 4
Hi, I am doing a process which takes all the queries from the excel sheet and put in to a collection and loop them to run .. before running the query I have to manipulate the query by adding the from date and to date and run .. Actually I have added the Collection result to a data item , so every time it runs it will store the next query but.. I want to manipulate that query.. Can any one of u suggest the way to do .. most help full.. ' Thanks

Level 4
Hi Leela, Once stored in a data item, you can directly use the calculation stage to manipulate the query. Or you can directly manipulate the query in the collection itself. If you want to add the From/to date in the query at a specific location, try using the InStr function which will give you the location of the text after which you want to replace. You an also use the Replace function for direct replacements.

Thank you Shreyan, used replace method.. thanks for the help 🙂