05-03-24 05:52 PM
Hi all,
05-03-24 11:47 PM
07-03-24 09:47 PM
Hi Leonardo,
the VBO object Microsoft Outlook VBO - Digital Exchange does not work via server (the Outlook client must be opened).
Do you know an object via server?
Kind regards,
Nicolò Ceccaroni
09-03-24 02:27 PM
Hello Nicolò,
Please check out this VBO: https://digitalexchange.blueprism.com/dx/entry/3439/solution/microsoft-office-365---outlook?_gl=1*3u67q2*_ga*MTUyNzQ4MjIxNi4xNzAyNDkwNzA3*_ga_MFBQ2KFZ1L*MTcwOTk0ODE5NS4yNjcuMS4xNzA5OTUwMzM3LjYwLjAuMA..
This VBO offers functionalities for interacting with Microsoft 365 - Outlook. Importantly, it is not necessary to have Outlook installed locally on the runtime resource. All communications are facilitated via the Microsoft Graph API between the VBO and Exchange Online.
Note: I haven't used it, but it appears to fulfill your requirements.
11-03-24 09:17 AM
Hi Leonardo,
with this object I cannot move an email to another mailbox.
Do you have other suggestions?