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Opening URL Process Intelligence

Level 3

Hello people good night! I successfully installed Process intelligence, but I was unable to open the URL configured at the time of installation, the timlinepi and time broker services are running, I am using the same port that I used in Decipher, could this be a problem?

This is the configuration of my timlinepi.xml configuration file:

  <env name="BASE_URL" value="http://SRV-D-RPA-02"/>
  <env name="PROXY_PORT" value="80"/>

I'm trying to open process intelligence through this link: http://SRV-D-RPA-02:80

Jonathan Aranha

RPA Specialist

Jonathan Aranha


Hi Jonathan,

A port conflict may be an issue here, so you might try using a different port if you're already using the same one for Decipher. Also to clarify, what specifically do you mean by "unable to open the URL" in this context? Are you receiving any HTTP error codes when attempting to access the site?

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX