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Populating collection data

Level 3
I'm curious if anyone has an easy/sharable solution that streamlines creating a collection data WITH Initial Values that are based on [insert data reference]. Whether it be an excel spreadsheet or a collection populated in debug mode.  The interest in this is to more easily creating mock data for testing purposes. I am thinking it could be done by using a code stage to create the underlying XML, but that feels a bit hacky. Is there possibly a better way to approach this?  

Level 12
Utility - Collections should have the option to import a CSV.

Level 2
I've been doing this by Creating a collection in Blue Prism with some initial values and fields I need and then exporting a process and opening the XML.    You can then use a formula in excel to create the xml items like in the attached screenshot.  And use the fill down to create each row.  Then in the XML delete all the items under the xml tag and replace it with the generated ones from excel.  You can then import the process back into Blue Prism and it will have the data you entered.  

Level 2
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