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Possible to attach multiple objects to an application? (Excel)

Level 3
Hi there, So here's the situation... Im working on a team with multiple developers, working on multiple simultaneous projects. A project Im working on requires me to extend the functionality of the 'MS Excel VBO' object to interact with custom menu's, etc. Originally I extended the base 'MS Excel VBO', but I noticed a potential issue that if I deployed a modified Excel VBO object to a new environment it could potentially override and mess up another developer's modified Excel VBO on that environment - and this seemed like a messy approach. So I thought the best thing to do would be to 'duplicate' the base `Excel VBO` and create a modified version of it per project (ie. 'MS Excel VBO - Client 1', `MS Excel VBO - Client 2`). This has been working well so far.... Except when I try use the Macro action. Now I'm not sure why this is an issue, but it seems that the `Run Macro` action fails to work on my new modified Excel VBO object. So a potential idea was to try use the original Excel VBO whenever I want to use Macros, and use the modified object for everything else, but I cant seem to create a process which has 2 different Excel VBO actions on the same workbook/instance. I was wondering if anybody has some insight or advice on the above hurdles. or object design recommendations? Thanks!

Hi Simon - the second VBO needs to attach to the excel that the first VBO created/launched. Best if you ensure that there is only 1 instance of excel open when you come to attach.