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Problem with getting data from Chrome using HTML

Level 4
I am a novice developer. I have encountered the following problem. The application field spied on in IE as an HTML element had the attributes Path -Dynamic and Enabled. I am currently working in Chrome. I spy in Browser Mode. The same application spy field returns the Web Path attributes but does not have the Enabled attribute. I cannot get the value from the given application field. However, empty lines are added to the collection, with no values that appear in the application. Due to the dynamically changing values, it seems to me that I can only download this data in HTML. The Read function has no Data Get current value but Get text, but takes an empty field instead of text. Have any of you encountered a similar problem or know how to solve it?

Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska

text box without editing

you never know how many records will be, so I use HTML path







Ok I'll try, but my version BP is 6.6 so hmm, I'll try 🙂

Ewa Turowicz-Kwiatkowska



these are the elements






the field from which I need to download the data



Could you show us the HTML of the element from the Developer tools in Chrome? You may already be familiar with doing this, but just in case:

1. Right click the element and click Inspect
2. The developer tools should open on the right side and the HTML tree should open directly to the element.

What I'd like to see is whether the text is in the Inner Text of the element or if it's the value of one of the attributes.

Dave Morris
3Ci at Southern Company
Atlanta, GA
Dave Morris 3Ci at Southern Company Atlanta, GA

<textarea class="form-control stringInput ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-isolate-scope ng-not-empty" ng-class="{updatedValue: updated > 0, updatedValueFade: updated > 1, invalid: inputField.errorMessages.length > 0,

              willBeUpdated: inputField.willBeUpdated, updatedFromPrevious: inputField.wasUpdated}" my-tooltip="{text: inputField.getErrorTooltip(), position: 'left'}" ng-model="internalModel.value" placeholder="" ng-focus="inputField.resetErrors()" ng-blur="handleVariableChange(variable," ng-trim="false" ng-disabled="readOnly || typeReadOnly" ui-mask="" ui-options="{allowInvalidValue: true}" ui-mask-placeholder="" ui-mask-placeholder-char="_" model-view-value="true" disabled="disabled">    </textarea>


The data that I need to download is not included in this element, I also tried to determine it and possibly download from there.

I tried to change the option "disabled = disabled" to enabled = enabled. All I got was editing the text in the field, but still couldn't get the value, nothing has changed.





Upgrading from version 6.9 restored missing attributes 🙂




