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Procedure to take screenshot

Level 4
Hi, I am trying to take screen shot of the screen. I am following these steps: 1) Sending global sent keys for print screen key. 2) Creating MS Word Instance. 3) Creating MS Word document. 4) Pasting screenshot from clipboard. 5) Saving document at some location. 6) Closing the instance. But in the first step itself I am not able to take screenshot. I have tried using "{PRTSC}" in navigation stage as I have found on microsoft site: Please suggest me the correct procedure. Also I want to know how can I save the screenshot as a pdf or png image? Thanks.

Level 6
Check the Utility - Image Manipulation object, there is a ""Get PrintScreen"" action. There's also a ""Save Image As"" action, but I'm not sure which format it uses (although probably .png).

Level 4
Hi VPeric, In the 'Utility - Image Manipulation' object, I am not getting any ""Get PrintScreen"" action and ""Save Image As"" action is also not there. I think you have seen some other VBO or you are using any customised object (Please correct me if I am wrong).

Level 15
To save images you probably need set your data item to be the binary data type.

Level 4
Hi, My Original question was how to take screenshot and save it in a file at a location. I think we are diverting from the point. Please let me know how to do that stepwise.

Level 4
I am trying this approach,Thanks a lot.

Level 2
Hi Mohd79 DId the above approach worked for you?

Level 6
Try this command through GSK ""!{PRTSC}"" and save it in a word document. Works for me .

Level 6
any idea if have an image in a binary type variable ...How to save that ??

Level 3
Blue Prism has a VBO named BPA - Screenshot where in you pass the file name with the location to save and the extension with which the file has to save and executing that object will create a screenshot for you.