09-12-21 10:07 AM
09-12-21 12:01 PM
09-12-21 12:10 PM
09-12-21 05:04 PM
' Check if the field names supplied in the Fields collection exist in the supplied input collectionDataColumnsAvailable
Dim MissingFields As String = ""
Dim Field_List As New List(Of String)
Dim DataColumnsAvailable As DataColumnCollection
DataColumnsAvailable = Input_Collection.Columns
For Each row In Fields.Rows
If Not DataColumnsAvailable.Contains(row("Field Name").ToString()) Then
If MissingFields.Equals("") Then
MissingFields = row("Field Name").ToString()
MissingFields = MissingFields & "," & row("Field Name").ToString()
End If
End If
Field_List.Add(row("Field Name").ToString())
If Not MissingFields.Equals("") Then
Throw New Exception("The following supplied field names do not exist in the input collection : " & MissingFields)
End If
' If the Keep Fields flag is True, filtering the input collection
If Keep_Fields = True Then
Output_Collection = Input_Collection.DefaultView.ToTable(False,Field_List.ToArray())
' If the Keep Fields flag is False, getting fields to be kept and filtering the input collection
' Get Fields to be Kept
Dim Field_List_New As New List(Of String)
For Each FieldName In DataColumnsAvailable
If Not Field_List.Contains(FieldName.ColumnName) Then
End If
Output_Collection = Input_Collection.DefaultView.ToTable(False,Field_List_New.ToArray())
End If
10-12-21 04:55 AM
10-12-21 05:39 AM
10-12-21 05:57 AM
10-12-21 10:07 AM
10-12-21 11:00 AM
10-12-21 11:25 AM
@vinod chinthakindi Unfortunately I can't explain it with prints because I'm on a new machine and I don't have blue prism installed yet, but I'll try to describe as much as I can, you'll need to create a single handle (instance) where you should open your data source (Excel where it contains the values to be copied) then you can create a new workbook XYZ, give an activate workbook to the data source and use the Select Range action, to select the column range eg "C:C" to select the whole column, then use the action copy, then use the activate workbook again to select the workbook XYZ and use the Past option, and repeat this process for each column you want to copy