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Forum Posts

Resolved! OLED listener issue

Hi allI have a question on the oledb connection frmo blueprism to sql databases. MY understanding of this is that the oracle database access components should be installed on the machine and you shouldnt need to use a TNS-less connection string. I ha...

Hub and Interact 4.5 is Now Available!

Hub and Interact 4.5 is now available to Blue Prism customers from Today! To download, please go onto the customer portal By adopting Hub and Interact 4.5, you can: Embed a hyperlink to the paragraph field within Interact.Download a file raised to yo...

Unable to run schedular for Multi Bot Architecture

I am having an issue with scheduling a process that should run on two virtual machines (Multi-Bot Architecture). I have configured one VM as server and the other as RTR, The RTR VM shows 'IDLE' and is not connected in the control room of the other VM...

MS Edge auto-sign-in losing BP Browser Extension

Hi BP CommunityWe have a large estate of 200+ resource VM's running Windows 2012 R2 Server and MS Edge, which is set to auto-update (mandated by internal IT policy). We deliberately set Edge up without signing in the robot user account, which makes i...

Issue with Java Based Apps in 6.10.3

Hi Everyone!We are in the middle of upgrade from 6.5.1 to 6.10.3 and fighting with some issues connected with Java Based Apps.It seems that there are multiple issues compared to 6.5.1 but one of the most disturbing ones is: "Failed to perform step 1 ...

Decipher form

hello dears, I need to create a form to be filled by the user on decipher at the data verification step rather than using OCR i need the user to fill data, any help how can I call decipher from process to do this?------------------------------aseel o...

exported batch - export again

Hi,is there a possibility to export exported batch data again?I changed the status of the batch in the database to 5 - Ready for Processing and then in admin module I changed it to Completed Ready for Verification, however, when loading batch in Veri...

Resolved! Exception Handling: Virtual Worker Not Sending Outlook Email to Business User to Alert Them That the Case Has Hit an Unplanned System Exception

Hello BP Community, I'm encountering an error where after hitting an unplanned system exception, the virtual worker does not send an Outlook email providing the exception detail and a screenshot of the error to the Business User. Sometimes I have not...

Easy way to monitoring your process

#BPTechTips#TipOfTheDay​Hi everyone!I want to open a dicussion about unattended monitoring of processes.Here I post you a simple query for the Blue Prism Database to see the status of the workers.SELECT sessionnumber,,, start...

Collection Unique Values

Hi All,Hope you're well....Hoping you can help with this one..... I'm working on extracting information from a Table within a product called Northgate Revs & Bens. I have to use UIA Mode and am using the Get Rows functionality to extract the info int...

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Error while running resourcepc with sslcert

I am getting the below error when trying to start resourcepc with sslcert Unable to accept incoming connection - The server mode SSL must use a certificate with the associated private key. I created a local cert & installed in personal store - copie...

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