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SAP Textbox not recognized as an element available to "Write to"

Level 5
Hello, We are trying to spy a field in which we manually can write to in SAP, but when spying with the element with SAP mode it grabs more than just the textbox and it doesn't allow for text to be sent into it. We are able to spy it as AA, but the text is not inputted into it either even though it doesn't through an error. The only way so far we've managed to add text is by a script which we then cannot edit per customer. Any suggestions?
Lourdes Urena Sr Solutions Engineering Grainger Panama Services Panama

Level 2
Hi xlxu001 Just wanted to check if SAP GUI Scripting setting is enabled for the appropriate user(s) which is automating SAP via the GUI

Level 5
@xlxu001: Can you write here a SAP ID of the object, that you spied? It would be easier to find any solution. Rgrds

Hello the SAP ID would be /app/con[0]/ses[1]/wnd[1]/usr/cntlCCT_NOTE_CONT/shellcont[0]/shell @l.kiciak
Lourdes Urena Sr Solutions Engineering Grainger Panama Services Panama

It sounds like you'll need to use keystrokes on this element, ie focus the element do the Cursor is in the right place, then send keys to the application element.

Hi John, it looks like I don't have any available actions with this element when I use a navigate stage so I'm not able to focus nor send keys. Any other ideas? I have a screenshot, but don't see a way to attach to the post anymore here.
Lourdes Urena Sr Solutions Engineering Grainger Panama Services Panama

Use the top/root element for send keys. To focus use global mouse click. Remember also that you can 'cheat' by using a different element for the click and supply xy coordinates that will send the mouse to your field.

Level 5
@xlxu001 In your ID I see one small possible issue ""ses[1]"" I would rather said it should be ""0"". Because session number is count of opened session in a connection. I assume you will not run two processes parallel. Possible issue with the write stage in your case would be coused by SAP Grid. I would try on your place to write a code stage. For now I did use GRID in my projects, if I write somethnig I will share with you. Rgrds, L