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SOAP Request with HTTP Object

Level 7
Hi All,

We are trying to utilize salesforce APIs, since they are SOAP web services, we are configuring them in system settings and trying to utilize them. Salesforce APIs requires some additional parameters then described in the WSDL, my web services call are failing as i can only send those parameters which are appearing in input parameter window. 

how i can send additional parameters to Salesforce API, should i utilize HTTP object ? i tried bu it not worked any guidance ?

Ishan Mahajan

Level 7
For those who are looking for solution,

Yes, HTTP can be object can be used for SOAP calls, you just need to caopy SOAP Envelop from SOAP UI application and paste in the BODY of HTTP object(better to keep it in Data item), define a header and put one field in there"SOAPAction" and run it.

Ishan Mahajan