You've got the right idea with just getting stuck in.
Start simple and you'll end up creating reusable code that you can use again and again
Try creating processes like:
1. Moving a file from one folder to another
Verify fodler is accessible, verify file exists, verify file format is correct, check if there is a lock/hold on the file. Check target lcoation exists. Move/Copy file, verify moved file is in correct location.
2. Create sub fodler directories for a date
For reports / archiving, really handy to have an object that will created nested subfolders. E.g .I have a folder for each process with a nested directory for the year, motnh and day so everything is easily found if i need it in future/ for an audit. i.e. object/process takes a date input and a target lcoation then checks to see fi there is a folder called '2019', creates it if isn't there. Then checks there is a folder called '201904' in '2019' and again for the day '20190429' and returns the directory of each folder created. Very handy not to have to do this every time.
3. Create a process that sends an email notification
You'' expand this a lot
4. Create a process that writes/ runs a batch script that will restart a resource 'shutdown /r'.
Really handy
5. Create a process that reads from an excel and writes to another.
Forces you to learn how to use handles.
6. Create a process to explore error handling i.e.e exceptions.
Learn to distuingush between Business Exceptions and System Exceptions and how exceptions 'Bubble Up' from one layer to a higher process layer.
7. Create a process that reads an excel input and adds the data from a specific sheet into a work queue, then moves the input file to an archive folder.
makes you use a bunch of the simpler processes outlined above. Checks the input an darhcive fodlers exist. Checks the file exist, When it reads the data it'll verify the format is correct. Adds the data to a collection, adds the colelction to a work queue. Then moves the file to the archvie folder. Sends an email when comeplte with detiasl like number of files transfers, any issues and number of new work items.