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Surface Automation Query

Level 3

Hi All,

Just wanted to ask about a current challenge we're facing in dev. 

Bit of background
- Automating a web browser that does not work on IE (Only chrome and firefox) 
- Opted to use chrome as firefox plugin was not working nicely with the application. 
- Using Version 6.4 (No immediate way to upgrade to the latest versions)
- Basically using surface automation techniques. 

Now that the above info has been shared, we've been able to spy and integrate some elements already and so far so good. However we do have encountered a section wherein we need to click on a searchbar for a dropdown to pop up. Challenge is, after the dropdown is available and visible, you cant' send any global keys (Tab, down button etc).so the only option is take a snapshot of it and try read the values. 

I've tried using list regions (recongnize with ocr, recognize text etc) and everything i know at least to get to read the values on the table and select it. 

Not sure if anyone has any other tricks up their sleeve or has encountered the same

Would be great to hear from the community on how to deal with this

Thanks all


Brian Gacad
Senior IT Domain Specialist


You can also invoke javascript though BP and try setting the DOM. You can compare the DOM attributes after and before the drop down selection is made and check for any function calls that are triggered when a selection is made.

Shashank Kumar
DX Integrations Partner Consultant
Blue Prism