27-05-20 05:06 PM
Blue Prism has almost finished putting together our global report on the impact that automation is having on the future of work.
The report highlights the findings of a survey from 6,500 respondents (C-Suite Execs & Knowledge Workers) from 13 different countries.
It explores several themes such as:
• What does the new normal look like?
• What are the long term impacts of automation on business continuity and operational agility?
• How is automation driving employees to upskill and do more?
• How is automation enabling a completely remote workforce?
But we aren't done yet and we still need your help. Please help us by completing this quick survey on how your business is coping with COVID-19.
Your participation means a great deal, and as such, we will be giving 3 lucky winners a $50 Amazon gift card for participating. The report will publish
just in time for Blue Prism World 2020. We hope that the results from this survey will help us in tallying the overarching response as our industry
adapts and prepares for the future.
Again, thank you for supporting Blue Prism.